Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quick update

First the good news. Riley is back. She ran of during a thunderstorm and was found a few days later. This family looked after her for a few days, then called the dog catcher. He picked her up last Thursday. Since Riley was due for her rabies shot the Vet. Clinic phoned yesterday. I told what had happened here. She mentioned then, that a dog had been found, similar to ours and gave me a phone number. And yes, it was Riley. It really taught us a few lessons.First put all the up to date tags on the dog. Since she never left the place anyway, we just dropped the tags on the desk and then forgot about it. Right now she is wearing her latest tags!!! Second we should have phoned around more and to the right places. But it all ended well. I do not know, when I will post again. I will be out of comission for a week or two. Then I will show you my new socks and crazy quilt block.

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